Harlequins Rugby Club has got something to celebrate.

The club has won the 2016 Cowper Shield for being the top club to receive the most championship points in both the junior and the senior grades. Harlequins have scored a thumping win over the other teams as far as club championship points are concerned.
The club was able to amass a total of 693.5 points and win the championship by beating the second best team, the Melbourne Unicorns, by a clear 77 points. The best part about the Harlequins victory is that they have toppled Melbourne Unicorns, who have been winning this award for the past 6 years consecutivel. The third placed team was the Power House Rugby Club and they surely need a pat on their back.
The margin of victory is huge and this should please everyone involved with the Harlequins Rugby Club. The main reason why the Cowper Shield award was constituted is to encourage the rugby clubs to include as many teams as possible. The award was formulated to encourage the growth of the sport in Victoria State. A total of 280 junior players had registered at Harlequins in 2016. Apart from this they had a registration of 186 senior male players and 20 senior women players. These numbers meant that Harlequins were able to field 14 new junior teams, six senior teams and one combined women’s team with Box Hill. This is a remarkable achievement by the club and everyone involved in the club must get a nice pat on their back for a job well done.
Harlequin President, Wayne Rudland, said that he was pretty happy with the club’s result in 2016. The contributions made by many people in the club over the years have not gone a waste and the club is now reaping good benefits.